Rainbow Promise Preschool & daycare

Rainbow Promise Child Care Center was established as an outreach ministry of First Church Defiance, to the community of Defiance, offering quality child care for parents and caregivers.

The congregation felt that better stewardship of its building would be achieved by offering its use to the community through the week and not merely by being used as a worship complex.

For hours of operation and fee schedule, see the information below.

Check out the Rainbow Promise Facebook page!


Statement of purpose

Rainbow Promise will help your child develop socially, emotionally, physically, and mentally for school and life adjustment.

Your child will be provided many opportunities and varied experiences which will enable him to achieve sound growth in this period of rapid development. We do not feel that the Rainbow Promise is a substitute for the home, but that it will be a supplement to aid in the family experience.

Rainbow Promise is a place where your child can learn to cooperate with others and can be active and creative under the guidance of dedicated leadership. He will learn to share, take turns, have quiet time, and use and replace equipment and materials properly.

Rainbow Promise gives your child an opportunity to grow independently and to accept responsibility for his own behavior. The program is directed by trained people with experience working with infants, toddlers, pre-school, and school-aged children. It is more than a “Baby-Sitting Service.” It is our desire to introduce school readiness in a developmentally appropriate way so children will have a positive introduction to the world of learning.


Hours of Operation

Rainbow Promise opens at 6:30 a.m. and closes at 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Pre-school for 21/2, 3, 4’s, and 5’s is conducted from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Rainbow Promises closes for all major holidays, as well as two days at Thanksgiving and the week between Christmas and New Year.

Listen to WONW 1280 or WDFM 98.1 for any changes in hours of operation.


Fee Schedule

Rates are subject to change as they are re-evaluated and updated when necessary. Current rates are posted in the Rainbow Promise office. A current rate sheet will be sent home as updated.

Daily/Weekly Rates

Childcare may not exceed 9 hours per day unless job related. All fees are non-refundable.

Beginners (6wks – 18 months) – Full time only – $145.00 per week

Little Learners (18 months – 30 months) – Full time only – $140.00 per week

2 day                    3 day                    Full Time                    Daily (Calamity only)

Discovery Class (30 months – age 3)                    $75.00                 $110.00                  $165.00

Jump Start Class  (3 – 4 year olds)                        $70.00                $100.00                $155.00

Pre K Class (4 – 5 year olds)                                   $70.00                $100.00                 $155.00

School Age (summer/full day care)                       $60.00                $90.00                  $150.00 $32.00

School Age (before or after school)                       $25.00                $35.00                   $50.00                           $21.00

School Age (before and after school)                   $35.00               $55.00                   $85.00                          $14.00

Preschool Only (Discovery – Pre K Classes)        $55.00                $75.00                   $110.00

Preschool hours: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm daily. Anything before or after these hours is subject to additional charges. 

For Preschool and Before/After School charges – If up to 2 hours extra are needed, an additional charge of $7 per day. If more than 2 hours extra are needed, charged as a full day at your child’s age group rate.

Sibling discounts – given for multiple children paying full day care. $3 discount per day per child. No sibling discounts given for part-time day care (preschool and before/after school care).

Other Fees

Registration Fee – $40.00 per family   If withdrawn more than 30 days, a new registration fee will be charged.

Educational Supply Fee – $75.00 per child/yearly

Summer Supply Fee – Varies by age, based on summer activities planned. Can range from $25 for infants up to $75 for school age.

Hold Fee – $75 per child/yearly. Available for preschool students and school aged withdrawing for summer but returning in fall. 

Late Pick- Up Fee  – $1.00 per minute past 1pm and 6pm. $10.00 minimum charge. This policy will be strictly enforced.

Late Payment Fee: $10 (see Director for tuition and payment procedures)

Returned Check Fee: $35.00 – after 2 checks have been returned by the bank, only money orders will be accepted.

important information

Payment Policy: You are responsible to pay for the number of days your child is enrolled, whether or not the child is in attendance. Payments are due on the first day of the week that your child is here. A late fee will be charged if payment is not made by closing time (6 p.m, ) on Wednesday. This policy will be strictly enforced. All accounts past due more than two weeks will result in an evaluation of the child’s continued attendance.

Free Day Vouchers: Issued to full-year/full-time daycare children only. Valid only for planned absent days. Based on chosen schedule at enrollment: 2 days = 2 vouchers; 3 days = 3 vouchers; and 5 days = 5 vouchers annually. Vouchers will be issued after one year of enrollment. Vouchers will expire at the end of one year and may not be carried over to the next year. The “year” will be based on the enrollment date. Example: Judy starts Discovery Class on September 1, 2022. She will receive vouchers on September 1, 2023. Lost vouchers will not be replaced. Vouchers become invalid with changes to full-time enrollment.

Withdrawal: You may withdraw your child at any time; however, Rainbow Promise requires two full weeks’ written notice of your child’s last day of attendance. The notice must be submitted to the administrator in writing. The regular weekly rate will be charged for this period whether or not your child attends Rainbow Promise.

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